Study with ICI

ICI-academy coordinates and promotes the participation of ICI staff in various scientific and technical training programmes related to high-performance computing. ICI promotes the use of innovative training programmes making use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

ICI staff currently participates in the following teaching and training programmes:
  • Engineering education at Centrale Nantes, including Master programmes.
  • Advanced scientific education for PhD students.
  • Executive education: ModSim Academy
  • Massive Online Open Courses: MOOC
From a management perspective, the ICI-academy role can be summed up as one of coordination of the various training activities in which ICI staff participate. This includes:
  • centralizing and coordinating the information related to the teaching delivered by the ICI staff, all cycles combined (engineering, Master, PhD etc.)
  • supporting and coordinating the creation of new eduction/training programmes.
  • centralizing new openings at ICI (internship, PhDs etc.) and their recruitment.
Published on June 26, 2018 Updated on February 23, 2021